Beginning January, 2014 I will be peddling my recumbent trike around Thailand. I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for a fellow trike rider who I met through the dealer that sold us our trikes.
Steven Telck lives in Casper with his Thai wife Tiptida. They own a home about an hour north of Bangkok. It would be immensely intimidating to try to figure out how to ship my trike to a foreign country 12 time zones away, navigate in a country that speaks a language that is not English, and not get lost on a trip of 700 miles over 30 days.
Steven showed me how to disassemble my trike and pack it into 2 containers that can be checked as luggage. 
With the blessing of our wives we will spend the month of January peddling, eating, and drinking in the sights of Thailand. We will start at the northern most border and weave our way south.
For those of you interested in following our progress I will be keeping a blog. I am new to blogging so there will likely be rough spots while I master the medium.
Pli hi wela thi di kling
(let the good times roll)
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