Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dress to Ride

Making good time on side roads just isn't possible in the stretch running to Laos so the remainder of the trip to the border will be on Hwy 2. It is loud, busy stinky and boring but we make good time. Lacking any good tourist pictures I will show how I dress to ride. 

This part of Thailand is 17* north of the equator which means protecting from the sun's rays is a full time job. It would take tubes of sun screen to do the job right and I would always feel like a grease monkey. Instead I use UV arm and leg protectors. They have an SPF rating of 50 and an added benefit is they evaporate sweat and cool the skin. 

My legs and arms are the same color as when I arrived here. 

The arm works the same way. 

The tip less gloves are a similar material. 

Neck and ears are covered by a buff. Not very stylish but hides the ugly haircut. 

It kinda gets disguised by the helmet. The glasses are rated at 90 something UV protection. 

The only part of me that needs sun screen is my nose, cheeks and lips. 

The peach colored door is at the Udon Travel Lodge where we spent the night. As soon as we got to the room the owner came to greet us. He spoke halting English but was proud to state that he had a friend in America that he had visited. He was a pleasant man but found out the next morning he had a kind heart as well. We got our usual crack of dawn start and were three miles down the road when a pickup pulled over ahead of us. The owner got out with Steven's computer mouse in hand which had been left behind in our haste to get an early start. 

1 comment:

  1. Illness gone, looks like you two are having a wonderful trip. This group of photos has special character. The one with the head cover has you looking decidedly medieval which is not necessarily inappropriate as some of the areas you've been through haven't changed much since then. The next game is tomorrow, of course, when we get to watch another pugilistic extravaganza. Take care!
